Below are some common questions for Cointiply's Cointivity levelling and rewards system.
Q: Can I trade or sell my Cointivity items to other members?
A: Not yet, but we will be adding a market place in the future.
Q: Are there items that boost Faucet earnings?
A: No.
Q: Are there items that boost referral earnings?
A: Not currently, but we will be adding more boosts in future updates.
Q: I accidentally sold an item, used an item, or deleted an item. Can you reverse it?
A: No, we can not reverse any of those actions, and all of those actions are final. You must click through a confirmation panel to do any of those things, so pay attention to what you are doing.
Q: How can Cointiply afford to boost my earnings?
A: The goal of Cointivity is to boost activity and reward are hard-working earners. If you earn more for both you and us, we are happy to reward you by boosting your earnings. This is one of those things where both of us win!
Q: When do I receive my Cointivity boosted earnings?
A: You receive your boosted earnings in your account immediately when completing an offer. Please note that we add up all of those boosted earnings and report them in your Activity in a single line item—but that line item is for Coins you already received throughout the day.