Please do not open a ticket asking how long it will take to receive your payment. We include information about processing times on the withdrawal page. We have included that information below for your convenience. All tickets asking about payment times will be directed to this support article.

All payments are processed within 24-72 hours.

If your payment is "Pending" or in "Review" then there is no need to open a ticket. Your payment will be sent during our next payment cycle.

Payment transactions must be confirmed on the blockchain of the cryptocurrency you choose to withdraw to. In the vast majority of times, transactions will be confirmed within an hour, and usually even faster. If a blockchain becomes congested, however, transactions can take as long as two weeks to get confirmed. You can check the status of your withdrawal transaction using the "View on Blockchain" link for every withdrawal on the Payment History tab of your Withdrawal page. Delays are relatively common with Bitcoin. Doge, Dash, and Litecoin transactions tend to be muchÂ